Indian Society Of Cardiology

History Of ISC



It was the year 1996, when one man had a vision to bring young cardiologists of India under one roof and to update the physicians and cardiologists in the subject so as to serve community at large with latest updated knowledge of cardiology. India being a vast country with multiple diversities and its skewed cardiologists to physician ratio there was an obvious gap between the existing knowledge and minimal optimal required to provide standard of care at physician level. Also there was a need to establish bridge between enlightened cardiology faculty and budding cardiologist. With this vision Dr R.K.Gokhroo perceived the idea of new platform in the form of society. Hence, inception of Indian Society of Cardiology (ISC) took place.

The purpose of society since its beginning is to give a platform for young cardiologists of India so that they will meet the need of hour in view of growing number of cardiac patients in India. They should be able to use the newest technology for the benefit of patients but on the other hand should not forget the basics of cardiology. ISC serves both the purpose. An important aspect often neglected in India is that most of the patients are seen by physicians in light of few cardiologists. There had always been the desire of practicing physicians and cardiologists to update their knowledge for the benefit of patients. Indian Society of cardiology is serving this purpose since inception by regular publications of its Indian journal of Cardiology and organizing regular annual conference of ISC. The society has consistently progressed and its members are increasing and approached to one thousand now. Society has received overwhelming response in and outside the country. Every year annual conference of society is held in India at various places in last week of September from 2006.


In the previous decade, there has been tremendous innovations in field of electrophysiology. To keep our society motive for updation of doctors, electrophysiologists has decided to start National Arrhythmia Council (NAC) meet from 2015, which will be held once a year in India in the month of June as a midterm conference for budding cardiologists. Dr. Guruprasad, DM, Electrophysiologists, Chennai has been nominated as the organizing chairman of this midterm NAC meet. Society is publishing Indian Journal of Cardiology which is a peer reviewed journal, with regular publications since 1998 and covers various aspects of cardiology including subspecialities.

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50 yr M presented to non PCI capable center with PR=90/min, BP= 70/50 mm Hg, RR=18/min and JVP not raised. What is treatment of choice?

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