Indian Society Of Cardiology

Eligible Criteria


Eligibility criteria for Life membership : Fee Rs. 5000/-
- M.D. (Medicine or any other relevant medical speciality / DNB (Medicine)
- DM (Cardiology)/MCh (CTVS) / DNB (Cardiology) / DNB (CTVS)

The eligibility criteria for Associate Fellowship : Fee Rs. 10,000/-
1. DM (Cardiology) - 5 years with significant scientific contribution in the field of Cardiology
2. M.D. (Medicine) - 15 years with outstanding excellence in the field of Clinical Cardiology.

The eligibility criteria for elected fellowship : Fee Rs. 10,000/-
1. DM (Cardiology) - 10 years with significant scientific contribution in the field of cardiology
2. M.D. (Medicine) - 25 years with outstanding excellence in the field of cardiology.

Questions Quiz

50 yr M presented to non PCI capable center with PR=90/min, BP= 70/50 mm Hg, RR=18/min and JVP not raised. What is treatment of choice?

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