Indian Society Of Cardiology

Calender Event

S.No. Event Date Contact Person
1. 1st Mid-term National Arrhythmia Council  (NAC) 2015 May 2015 Dr. Guru Prasad - Chairman (Chennai)
2. 10th Annual Conference of Indian Society of Cardiology (ISC) 2015 25-27 September 2015

Dr. R.K.Gokhroo - President ISC, (Ajmer) 09414002135

Dr. Mukesh Sharma - Organising seceretary (Udaipur) 09413695861

Questions Quiz

50 yr M presented to non PCI capable center with PR=90/min, BP= 70/50 mm Hg, RR=18/min and JVP not raised. What is treatment of choice?

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